Author, Publisher, Developer, Stitchcoder


Periodic Table Face Masks Back in Stock!

A little over a month ago I made a couple dozen Periodic Table Face Masks using fabric my colleague Nick Mann had ordered. I did a blog post in the evening and by the next morning they were sold out! I had to switch to taking pre-orders for when the next batch of fabric came in.

Spoonflower, the default source for custom-printed fabric, was tremendously backed up with orders, due to both high demand and reduced production capacity. But through what I’m sure has been a crazy amount of hard work on their part, orders have started coming through, including my batch of periodic table fabric!

So I’m excited to announce that we now have material for several hundred masks, after filling all the pre-orders. (If you had placed a preorder, your mask is almost finished: Maribel has sewn most of them and I’ll be putting in wires and elastic tomorrow. Everything should ship on Monday, barring unforeseen circumstances. (Haha, small 2020 joke there.))

We’ve advanced in the last month: now in addition to the original 3-layer design with filter pocket, you can get a 2-layer Summer Weight model, or a model with a straw hole (covered with a velcro flap with silicone rubber plug). And we can make them in Adult and Child sizes.

Tomorrow I will be sending an email to my large mailing list of previous purchasers of periodic table posters, books, and other products, but if you’re seeing this on Facebook or from subscribing to my blog, you’ve got a head start. I think I have enough fabric to handle any plausible number of orders from the big list, but you never know. The first batch went crazy fast. Act now? Sorry, I can’t help sounding like a late-night TV commercial.

Theodore GrayComment